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laptop and cosmetic products
11 January 2018

Avoid online beauty retailer LuxStyle

The Danish company has been sending consumers unsolicited goods along with demands for payment.

The Commerce Commission is warning shoppers to be wary if they’re using websites run by online beauty retailer Luxstyle.

Luxstyle, a Danish company, has been the subject of numerous complaints both here and overseas. It advertises beauty products on Facebook and Instagram. Shoppers who click on the ads are taken to a website where they have to enter their contact details before prices are displayed. That’s been enough for the company to start sending goods along with demands for payment.

Across the Tasman, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has already issued a public warning stating the company’s behaviour risks misleading consumers.

Luxstyle has also attracted the attention of the Danish Consumer Ombudsman, which says it’s received a large number of complaints from consumers in New Zealand, Australia and Canada. Last year, it reported the company to the police for sending payment demands for unsolicited goods.

Our advice is not to do business with this trader.

The Commerce Commission says it’s received more than 50 complaints about Luxstyle since May 2016, with many consumers apparently unaware they would be sent goods before they’d provided their payment details. The commission says Luxstyle denies it’s breaching consumer law.

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