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plastic bag in ocean
10 August 2018

Bag ban win for consumer voice

The government’s announcement that single-use plastic bags will be phased out is a win for consumer pressure.

The government’s announcement that single-use plastic bags will be phased out is a win for consumer pressure.

The proposed ban comes as many consumers have already decided to stop using the bags.

Our latest consumer issues survey showed most shoppers are content to do without them.

Seventy-one percent said they’re happy to take reusable bags if plastic ones aren’t an option at the checkout. Only 15% thought plastic bags should continue to be free.

Eight out of 10 shoppers said they were already using reusable shopping bags, at least some of the time.

Associate environment minister Eugenie Sage said the government is proposing a six-month phase-out of the bags once changes are passed into law.

The Ministry for the Environment is consulting on the proposal. Submissions close on 14 September 2018. Have your say here.

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