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12 March 2018

Consumer win on ATM fees

Major banks drop fees for using another bank's ATM.

ANZ’s decision to remove the $1 fee it charges customers for using another bank’s ATM follows a call from Consumer NZ for all banks to remove these charges.

Update: ASB, BNZ, Kiwibank, The Co-operative Bank and Westpac have announced they'll drop the fee for New Zealand-based ATMs as well.

Last year, Consumer NZ called on ANZ, ASB, BNZ, Kiwibank, The Co-operative Bank and Westpac to remove the fees. ANZ chief executive David Hisco decided to further investigate the matter. The bank found people regarded the fee as unfair because even though they were using another bank’s ATM, they were still accessing their own money.

The fee kicks in when a consumer uses another bank’s ATM. ANZ estimates it does 8 million such transactions annually.

It's announced it will remove the fee from 26 March. It is also reducing or simplifying other fees and charges this year. ASB will drop its ATM fee from 31 March; BNZ, The Co-operative Bank and Westpac from 1 April; and Kiwibank from 15 April.

Consumer NZ chief executive Sue Chetwin said this was a great outcome following the concerns it raised. She hoped all banks would follow.

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