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11 November 2022

Countdown Onecard points not added to customers’ accounts

If you shop at Countdown, you’ll be used to swiping your Onecard at the checkout. But are you actually getting the points you’ve earned?

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B A S.
19 Nov 2022

but have not at any time received a 'reward'. Using the card does get a discount off certain items though.

Peter S.
13 Nov 2022

Kiwis with countdown have been taken for A points ride..add bad service..bad shops….when New World opened then PakNSave in my area ..I never went back…

Run these goons out of town by never shopping there…Countdown hierarchical management along with AA who are signed up with them should be investigated by the Commerce Commission…and don’t rely on Fairy Princess govt doing anything other than lippy service..

Milika N.
12 Nov 2022

I switched to fuel savings for a short period so I kept an eye on the points and didn't get a boost credited. I emailed them with a photo of the receipt and got this reply:

"It looks like this was a mistake on our part, and we are really sorry that this happened.

The product listed in your Boost Offers isn't sold at your Preferred Store, but due to this confusion, and as a gesture of goodwill, we have added the 10 Cents Per Litre onto your onecard as expected."

The interesting thing is that I DID buy this product in my preferred store, as shown in the picture of my receipt, and I now have more questions than before. Do I only get boosts if I buy in my preferred store? If so where is this mentioned? And conversely, why would my preferred store send me offers for stuff they don't stock?

Lucky for me I don't often buy boost offers because the savings are less than they are when they're on special so I just wait for that, but it does seem like there's more issues with the system than they let on. The only good thing is that they credit your account very quickly.

Linda C.
13 Nov 2022

I also switched to Fuel points, and have NEVER seen any turn up on my account.
As I'm not a big grocery spender, and often shop at New World anyway (where my FlyBuys ALWAYS show up...) I figured perhaps I don't spend enough, although I thought I had spent enough to earn points on most occasions I used Countdown for my main shop.

Maybe it's a Countdown systemic problem - accidental or accidentally-on-purpose?

Edward V.
12 Nov 2022

The dashboard only shows the total points earned but no specification how and when they were earned. To check if the dashboard is correct is very difficult. Countdown should provide a detailed specification in your account.

John L.
12 Nov 2022

I dislike the points system. It fudges the real cost.
If they really want to make the pricing competitive, then make their pricing competitive.

Cathy B.
12 Nov 2022

I have never checked my points! I did used to occasionally get a voucher in the post but only once on-line. I don't even know if I spent it.
Forget the 'tricks & treats' and just drop the price - easy for everyone.
We shop at PakNSave now.

Stu P.
12 Nov 2022

Are you saying that I should be receiving e-vouchers, just by shopping at Countdown and (always) swiping my onecard, which is registered at the countdown website? I have NEVER received an e-voucher. I would spend about $4,000 per year at Countdown, and always swipe my onecard.
How widespread is THAT? Is this yet another way that Countdown steals millions of dollars in total, from New Zealanders?

Kas S.
12 Nov 2022

and when you next shop the checkout person is suppose to ask if you want to use it but you have to have accumulated 2000 points first before there's an e-voucher available. Being signed up online (I do not do online shopping), having your email address, you can track your points build-up and they will email you when you have made enough points for the voucher. Mine is linked to someone else's account so they get my points. Helps them out.

Richard F.
12 Nov 2022

For some reason I'm no longer receiving email-advice of when a new $15 voucher is available. It's only been apparent when I notice the running total of points on a receipt is markedly less than it was last time. Make a note of when this happens and request the voucher offset next time you're at the checkout? Fixing this glitch means phoning the helpline, which I haven't been bothered to do.

Dianne W.
12 Nov 2022

The bonus points need to be accumulated in the Monday to Sunday period of the reward week. I had a similar issue with not receiving those during that promotion period, and once I contacted Countdown, they corrected it and added the missing points. When a product has added bonus points, they accumulate accurately. I now keep a track of what points I should be getting, and they are always correct.

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