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15 November 2021

Improved Telco Disputes Resolution Scheme in the pipeline

Win for telco customers - a new and improved telco disputes service is on the way.

In our latest survey more than 50 percent of respondents recorded having problems with their telco.

Would you know who to call if you’re in the same boat?

The Telco Dispute Resolution Scheme (TDRS) has been in place for over 10 years. However, only 21 percent of consumers are aware it exists.

The Commerce Commission has recommended changes to the scheme to improve its profile and get better results for consumers.

For example, the commission wants TDRS contact details more prominent in shops, on phone bills and in advertising.

Telecommunications Commissioner Tristan Gilbertson said the recommendations will make the disputes scheme a “one-stop shop for the fast and effective resolution of all key telco consumer complaints”.

The commission also wants the TDRS to be allowed to tackle a wider range of consumer complaints.

It also recommended that the scheme be governed independently, with an even mix of consumer advocates and industry.

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