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Real estate agent handing over keys
6 December 2017

Misleading information tops real estate complaints

Just 1 in 5 Kiwis are confident the real estate industry is transparent.

Real estate agents providing incorrect or misleading information topped the issues raised in consumer complaints and inquiries to the Real Estate Agents Authority (REAA) this year.

A total of 345 complaints and 4313 inquiries were received by the REAA in the year to November.

Failure to disclose defects or other important information about a property was the second most common issue raised. Advertising faux pas, poor customer service, and incorrect sale and purchase agreements rounded out the top 5.

According to the REAA’s latest consumer survey, just 4 out of 10 Kiwis are confident the real estate industry is professional. About 1 in 5 are confident it’s transparent.

If you believe a real estate agent has misled you or withheld information, you can complain to the REAA. You can also use the authority’s website to check for previous complaints about an agent.

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