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5 August 2022

New food safety complaints tool launched

With 93 food recalls so far this year, letting the right people know about issues with your food has never been more important. 

Whether it’s a foreign object in your meal or concerns about homekill, consumers now have an easier way to report food safety issues. 

New Zealand Food Safety (NZFS) has developed an online reporting system so consumers can inform them of any safety concerns about their food or drink. Previously, people wishing to make a complaint could call the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) or their local council, after finding out where the food business in question was registered.

Food safety news

NZFS said it considers each report seriously and a food compliance officer contacts anyone who makes a complaint.  

Deputy Director General Vincent Arbuckle said that by providing details to NZFS directly, “you are helping to keep your communities safe”. 

Where the complaint can be traced back to a food business, NZFS can take a range of actions. These include informing the business of the complaint, issuing a recall and bringing a prosecution.  

The food complaint tool can be used for complaints about foreign objects found in food; undeclared allergens or allergic reactions; food sold past its use-by date; incorrect labelling; an unregistered food business; and unhygienic or incorrect food handling, storage, transportation or preparation.  

Check the tool to see if the problem with your food is covered. You can access the tool on MPI’s website, call freephone 0800 00 83 33 or email [email protected].  

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