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Your support goes a long way

Your regular or one-off donation helps us fight for Kiwi consumers.

Support independent, expert advice and fearless advocacy.

When big things like the Covid-19 pandemic happen, we all have a role to play in helping each other get through. Our role is to provide independent, expert advice and fearlessly advocate on behalf of all consumers during this uncertain time.

How we’re helping

It’s no secret that we’re known for our product testing but there’s more to us than testing toasters!

We’re working hard to ensure you have the latest expert advice and assistance to protect your rights, and to call out businesses that are exploiting consumers through panic marketing, price-gouging and misleading claims.

Can you help with a regular or one-off donation?

We’re not-for-profit and not government funded, so we’re free to challenge the status quo and fight for changes to the law that will better protect consumers.

Your donation will help fund our:

  • investigations and research

  • product reviews and testing

  • campaigns to get better consumer protection.

Consumer NZ is proudly independent. Donations of $5 or more are tax-deductible. Donation revenue is only spent on projects that benefit all New Zealand consumers.

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