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20aug buying a tv hero
Research report
14 August 2020

Buying a TV? Pricier isn't always better.

We compared price with performance to find out what more of your money gets you.

If you pay more for a TV are you guaranteed a better picture or sound?

To find out, I plotted the cost of each TV we’ve tested against its test scores.

As you can see, there isn’t much of a correlation at all. Price only has a weak effect on the picture quality and absolutely no effect on sound quality of the TVs. So you can be confident you’re not forgoing quality when you save a few hundred dollars.

But size matters, right? Bigger TVs must have better picture and sound, surely? Nope.

Plotting size against the main scores we also see a weak correlation, mostly for 4K/UHD. So when you’re choosing a TV, make sure it’s the right size for your space, rather than assuming the biggest TV will give you the most amazing picture.

Whatever size fits, our test results and buying guide will help you find a good set.

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