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flock of chickens
30 August 2018

Charges laid over free-range egg claims

Gold Chick Poultry Farm is being taken to court for allegedly making false free-range egg claims.

Another trader is being taken to court for allegedly making false free-range egg claims.

The Commerce Commission has filed eight charges against Xue (Frank) Chen, an Auckland poultry farmer who trades under the name Gold Chick Poultry Farm.

The commission said Mr Chen produced and sold some free-range eggs but also sold millions of caged eggs labelled as free-range between September 2015 and October 2017.

According to the commission, the falsely labelled eggs were sold to retail and wholesale customers who believed that they were receiving a free-range product and were paying higher prices for the eggs.

Falsely labelling eggs has landed other traders in court.

In 2014, Northland egg farmer John Garnett was sentenced for passing off cage eggs as free-range or barn laid. He pleaded guilty to 20 charges and was sentenced to 12 months’ home detention and 200 hours’ community service.

Help us take action

We’ve been calling for a mandatory standard for free-range claims to help ensure consumers aren’t misled about what they’re buying.

If you back our call, add your name to our list of supporters and help us tell the government the law needs to change.

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