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20jun electronics retailer warned hero
8 June 2020

Electronics retailer warned for misleading practices

“Shop with confidence” claim rings false.

An online retailer we advised consumers not to deal with has got a warning from the Commerce Commission for its dodgy practices.

Since 2017, we’ve been getting complaints about electronics retailer Becextech ( It claimed to offer the “best value” electronic goods specifically for the New Zealand market, an “extensive range of top brands” and promised you could “shop with confidence”.

However, customer complaints revealed this wasn’t the case. Becextech’s behaviour including selling second-hand mobiles as new and making misleading claims about the price of goods by stating they were “on sale”.

Becextech’s “” website led some customers to think they were dealing with a local business but the company is based in Hong Kong.

As a result of its investigation, the commission warned Becextech that it’s likely to have breached the Fair Trading Act.

The company was also selling extended warranties that failed to provide mandatory information.

Becextech has agreed to stop selling extended warranties and to change its pricing practices to make sure claimed discounts are genuine. It’s also adding the word “refurbished” to products that aren’t new.

Bexectech has previously been investigated for similar practices across the ditch on its “” website. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission found the trader had misled Aussie shoppers by selling second-hand goods as new and misrepresenting their rights.

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