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21 May 2020

Grounded Air NZ passengers should get refunds

We’re calling on Air NZ to do the right thing.

This week, Air New Zealand backed down and agreed to refund all passengers on cancelled US flights after we called out the company’s practices.

Flight rules in the US are clear: passengers travelling to or from the States are entitled to a refund if their flight is cancelled, regardless of the reason. However, Air New Zealand was telling some customers they could only get a credit.

The airline’s backdown is good news for customers on grounded US flights. But we want Air New Zealand to take the next step and offer refunds to customers on all flights cancelled due to Covid-19.

Thousands of Kiwis flying to destinations other than the US have only got credits. Why? Because our laws don’t require airlines to provide refunds when flights are cancelled for reasons outside their control, such as the Covid-19 pandemic.

We think Air New Zealand should do the right thing by its loyal customers and offer refunds. We’re writing to the airline asking it to do just that.

If you’ve had an Air New Zealand flight cancelled due to the lockdown, we want to hear about it. Tell us if you’ve got your money back or you’ve been stuck with a credit.

This questionnaire has now closed. If you have any feedback around this issue, please email [email protected].

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