Heat pumps
The right information is essential when choosing a heat pump.
Looking to install a heat pump? Find the best heat pumps in New Zealand with our buying guide and expert picks. We've assessed over 250 models from Mitsubishi, Toshiba, Fujitsu and more.
Buy the best heat pump for your home

We assess heat pumps to find the best ones for real-world use. Our expert reviews are based on results from compliance testing, member surveys and our decades of experience. We’ll only recommend heat pumps you’ll love to own, that work well and will keep working well for a long time.
Whether you need an efficient heat pump for home heating or a budget-friendly option, our results will help you find the perfect one.
Our assessment looks at:
• Heating efficiency
• Low temperature performance
• Noise
• Reliability
Plus, see the latest prices, product specs and features, member reviews and more.
Best heat pumps of 2024
Are you in the market for a heat pump now that your old one has finally given up? Or do you want to heat your bedroom in winter, and keep cool on humid summer evenings? Our expert recommendations help you find the best heat pump for your home.
Best heat pump for a small room
Best heat pump for a lounge
Best heat pump for a large open area
Best budget buy
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What you need to know when buying a heat pump
A new heat pump should last 10 years or more, but how do you choose the right one? Check out our buying guide for top questions, key features, energy use and other important info.
Types of heat pumps: We explain the difference between a split, multi-split and ducted systems.
How to choose a size: Heating capacity is the most important specification when you’re buying a heat pump. If it’s too low, it’ll struggle to warm the space. If it’s too high, it’ll be inefficient and cost more upfront than you need to spend.
Are heat pumps expensive to run? How much it costs to run a heat pump depends on how efficient it is at heating or cooling the air. You can figure out your hourly heat pump cost using this formula.
Where to install a heat pump: Should the unit be positioned high or low?

Which power company has the happiest customers?
See the full ratings of all power companies in our nationally representative survey.
Get the most out of your heat pump
Learn how to improve your heat pump's performance with our expert advice, and discover the best ways to care for and use it.
How to maintain and clean your heat pump
Getting the best out of your heat pump only takes a vacuum cleaner and a few minutes of your time.
Heat pump FAQs
We answer your frequently asked questions about heat pumps and corrosion.
Should you leave your heat pump on all the time?
It’s the question that divides households. Should you leave your heat pump running 24/7 or just put it on when you get home?
Is it worth using the dry mode on your heat pump?
Ever wondered about the effectiveness of “dry” mode on your heat pump? We took a look to see if it’s worthwhile.
People's Choice
Our People's Choice awards are granted to brands that consistently rate above average for customer satisfaction and meet out other performance criteria. Become a member and see which brands have earned a People’s Choice award.
Which heat pump are most reliable?
We asked thousands of Consumer members about their experience with products they've used to find out which brands are most reliable and satisfying to own. The results are available to members and Digital Pass holders.

Most reliable heating products
Our annual reliability survey reveals which heating and ventilation products are most reliable. See which brands you should be buying from.
Other heating appliances for your home
Looking for something else? We've tested various heating appliances for your home, including efficient woodburners, eco-friendly pellet burners, cosy electric blankets, and versatile electric heaters. Keep your space warm and comfortable with these reliable options.

Winter heating guide
Whether you own or rent your home, you can make it warmer and healthier this winter. Our heating guide is full of great tips for staying healthy, warm and cosy in the great indoors.
We've assessed 282 heat pumps.
Find the right one for you.

